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10 Best Words to Replace the word ‘WALK’ in Your Writing

10 Best Words to Replace the word ‘WALK’ in Your Writing

I know you feel frustrated when you use the same word every now and then in your essay, story, or even in your novel. So, today, I will come up with the ten words, along with its definitions and examples to help you replace the word ‘Walk’ in your writing with an understanding.

These words, as well as its definitions and examples, are from

So, Let’s start:
Mosey (V): to walk or to go slowly, usually without a special purpose.
Ex: I'll just mosey on down to the beach for a while.
Amble (V): to walk in a slow and relaxed way.
Ex: He was ambling along the beach
Wander (V): to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction.
Ex: We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city.
Meander (V): to walk slowly without any clear direction.
Ex: We spent the afternoon meandering around the streets of the old town.
Shuffle (V): to walk by pulling your feet slowly along the ground rather than lifting them
Ex: I love shuffling through the fallen leaves.
Scamper (V): When small children and animals scamper, they run with small quick steps
Ex: The children scampered off into the garden.
Stomp (V): to walk with intentionally heavy steps, especially as a way of showing that you are annoyed.
Ex: She stomped up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door.
March (V): to walk somewhere quickly and in a determined way, often because you are angry.
Ex: She marched into my office and demanded to know why I hadn't written my report.
Skip (V): to move lightly and quickly, making a small jump after each step.
Ex: She watched her little granddaughter skip down the path.
Sashay (V): to walk confidently while moving your hips from side to side in a way that attracts attention
Ex: She sashayed down the stairs and into the hall.

This is the end of the ten words. How is it? Are you feeling a lot better now that you don’t have to use the word ‘walk’ again and again? If so, please, subscribe to this site in order to get more posts like this. After that, you can comment on another word that you find it boring because of using it too many times so that I can do research and help you with that later.
I hope you guys like it!

Talk to you soon,


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